Pride month is a perfect time to celebrate your diverse membership base. Boxes large and small can benefit from hosting a LGBTQ focused WOD.
Beyond getting in a good workout, they are a great opportunity for members to meet each other. So, if you keep that in mind in creating the WODs you can help to facilitate the process.
Team WODs are a good place to start. Creating WODs that encourage members to work hard when they are working (Such as having one person as a timekeeper) keeps it higher intensity, while still having fun. Having teams count reps for each other or having built in rest in workouts allows members to briefly watch other people working out - instead of just focusing on the work they have to accomplish in front of them. Keeping all of that in mind, Below is an example of a workout that we used at a recent OUT-FIT WOD and will take roughly 60 minutes.
WOD #1
Teams of Two
6 Minute AMRAP
Partner 1: 15 American Kettlebell Swings (24/16) (timekeeper)
Partner 2: Max Effort Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Both partners will be working at the same time. Partner 1 will perform 15 AKBS (ideally unbroken) while Partner 2 performs Max Effort Burpee Box Jump Overs. As soon as Partner 1 Finishes the swings, both Partners switch. Now Partner 2 performs 15 AKBS while Partner 1 does Max Effort Burpee Box Jump Overs.
Their score is total Burpee Box Jump Overs.
Ideally you run this in two heats. One team goes and the other team counts. Then the teams switch. This allows for more accurate score keeping, but more importantly it allows for more interaction among the attendees.
WOD #2
Teams of Three
Chipper - For Time:
80 Deadlifts (95/65)
80 Strict Box Step Ups (24/20)(Strict = Hands behind the head while stepping up)
80 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
80 Wall Balls (20/14)
80 Push Press (95/65)
*Every Minute on the Minute all athletes stop and perform 3 burpees.
Only one athlete working at a time (except during burpees.) All movements must be done in order and you cannot move on until all reps have been completed.
This WOD will take roughly 20 Minutes. When you create the teams of three, try to have them partner up with athletes that were not in their original team. Since only one person is working at a time, this may feel slow to start off, but after a few minutes of work and burpees, they will be looking forward to the rest.
About the Author - Todd Brandon Morris is a CF-L2 Instructor and Programmer at CrossFit NYC. He is also the founder of OUT-FIT | PROUD, which is Home for PROUD Fitness Enthusiasts. He has been running OUT-FIT | PROUD WODs since 2014. He can be contacted at