2020 is off to a fast start here at Forever Fierce and with new clients come new thoughts. After about 2 dozen calls a little over half way through January 2020, here are my thoughts on simplifying things and making the apparel process easy again:


Avoiding Stupidity: Many of the issues that new clients are facing pertain to the lack of structure with an order. The story goes something like this “my old vendor used to give me a vendor website and told me to pick some stuff from the website”…. This is a nightmare for anyone to sort through. 

Variety is fine. Variety is important. Finding something YOU like is important….but you are not the apparel expert. You are a gym owner. You do not want to turn the gym into an apparel business. Warren Buffet says it is “…easier to avoid stupidity than seeking brilliance”. Save your brilliance for your programming and approach to nutrition. Avoid stupidity with apparel. New styles are fine but there is a tremendous amount of education and effort that goes into trying to promote the latest and greatest crop top. How does it fit? How does it feel? How does it handle a tough workout? Will it shrink? I have a seam issue- I need a refund…these are all questions that you should not have to answer. You can have confidence knowing that our curated list of garments will limit your risk. We know what works. We what is popular. They have been tried and tested thousands of times at other gyms so we’re confident that they will hold up.


Slam Dunks: When we work with new clients, I encourage everyone to place a slam dunk order and get back to basics. A basic tee or tank order will get you back on track and give you confidence knowing the basics still work and provide 95% of the results you’re looking for. If you’ve worked with me in the past, you know we have a ton of variety when it comes to tees, tanks, long sleeves, and hoodies. There are very few clients who come close to exhausting all the options. Don’t be afraid of launching a slam dunk. No need to shoot from half court every time you run an apparel order. 

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