Running an apparel order for the Summer months is surprisingly a polarizing topic. 

Some gym owners enjoy switching things up. Tanks. Brighter colors. Something much different than people are used to. 

There are some owners who don't like this idea because the gym tends to become a ghost town in the Summer months due to members traveling and taking vacation. Also, some just can't wrap their minds around doing a design that has brighter colors or "not gym colors". 

A Summer package is absolutely worth your time. There two main reasons for this. 

1. Variety- You need to switch things up. If you continually run the same black tee/tank every order, there will come a time where members say "I already got one". Whether it is the design, the garment style, or garment colors, pick one thing that is different about this order and put it out there. People crave variety and picking just one thing to make different on this order can help keep things fresh

2. This is going to sound counter intuitive....but it won't be for everyone. Some folks just won't get caught wearing a bright yellow tee...and this is ok and intentional. You want to offer a wide range of designs that appeal to as many people as possible throughout the year. Read that again. I said "appeal to" and not "make every single member happy on every single order". You want to run an order where someone says "I'll take part in the next one". This will help with demand and momentum for the next order. 

Summer orders are a great way to switch things up and set up a big Fall order. If you haven't started your Summer project yet, now is the time to get it started. 

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