We are a month into running web stores on behalf of our fitness clients. As of 4/14, here is a snapshot of the profit checks (gym names blurred out for privacy reasons).
As of today we have distributed $10,079.13 back to gym owners.
After speaking with those who have received $1,000 checks...what are they doing differently? Here is what they said:
1. They post frequently. On a 7 day preorder, they are posting at least 3-5 reminders about purchasing apparel.
2. They announce before and after each meeting. Nothing wrong with reminding everyone when you have their attention.
3. They have a shorter deadline. This is not a 24/7/365 store. Deadlines spur action and having a tighter deadline on this will force people to make a decision quickly. In this environment, helping people prioritize purchases and support is key.
Now is the time to follow best practices. No need to reinvent the wheel and try a crazy new strategy. Secondary income streams are more important than ever before. Simply follow our best practices and recommendations and keep it moving!
Online Store Game Plan Updated
What's Next: Apparel Plan Q3 2020